Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy In These Days!

These days I wake to a smile on my face, a light shines in my eyes that has never been there before. True there are sometimes darks days but I can make it through them in a way I never could before. How can I put into words the new meaning my life has taken now that you have become more then you once were? There's joy when there use to be sadness and peace when there was loneliness. I feel like I belong, like I'm worth more then the price others put on my head. Now I know that I'm beautiful and that someone loves me for who I am and doesn't make me feel like a toy. I'm no longer something to be played with and tossed aside the minute I show a sign of weakness. My tears, when their seen, aren't something to just be ignored, you brush them away and hold me tight. You speak life into me instead of trying to take it away. To say the words I love you would never fully say how much you mean to me. You mean more to me then you may ever know. Until I can find the words I love you will have to do. I love you with all of my heart and with everything I am. I love you!