Friday, May 22, 2009

Something To Fear

A silent watch at night lets shadows run free. As dawn breaks courage is reborn, what is it about the dark that makes fear take flight? I stand guard battling the dreams that haunt your sleep, I watch as you wake to another sunrise. Why do you let the fear of joy control your every step? On bended knees I pray for you to face your past for it only has you imprisoned if you hold out your wrists to be shackled. Take up the armor that was fashioned for you, hold up the sword forged just for you, go out and face the world that leaves you shaking, tackle your pride, stand up. Your Creator did not mold you in His image or breathe His life in you for you to run away. He has not left you defenseless to face your future alone, go now for destiny awaits you. Do not let your life pass you by for then it is a life truly wasted, and the Creator of all shall find another to do the task that was set before you and that, my child, is something to fear.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

in pain... darn parts of the body

head in pain, feels like it just might explode! need to put out a missing persons for my nose because it's running, ears... while can't really hear because of the pressure.
great night at alive, needed wake up call, as always, JJ, i thank God for you and that he uses you to speak to me, you are always in my prayers.
Lord, please make my sinuses stop meaning mean to the rest of my body.
Seeing specialist about my allergies and sinus issues next week, can't wait...
good night

Sunday, May 10, 2009

In A Nut Shell

My week from Sunday to Sunday in a nut shell. Last Sunday awesome, church was great and the Feather Get Together was a blast. Softball in bear feet, my brother staying and hanging out with me, getting to see friends, it was a nice day. Monday was alright as far as Mondays go. Tuesday was the greatest, painting was a lot of fun, I enjoy painting, playing music and just watching people interact with each other all the while feeling like I belonged. Going to Applebees after the painting was a lot of fun too. Wednesday got up early to put on a second layer of paint was also nice too, it was quite and I got to just worship in a way. Then it all went down hill, isn't that great? Thursday I ended up going up sick, spent the day sleeping and in the bathroom, the joy! Stayed home Friday started to feel better then night time came and spent the night in the bathroom again, woke up feeling a little better but not enough to do walk for life or go to the McNells (?) for the cook out and fun, so missed out there, got to take the cat's to the vets and "bomb" the house. Then started to lay down the floor only to find out my wall it bowed out, grrr. Watched 7 Pounds with the fam, then of course started to not feel good again. Went to bed, over slept for Church so I've spent today doing wash, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, and might lay down some flooring. Now there's one home, tears! Isn't that all just the best? Praying to be better enough to go back to work tomorrow cause there are no sick days left and all I want to do is get out of the house and do something fun!