Friday, May 22, 2009

Something To Fear

A silent watch at night lets shadows run free. As dawn breaks courage is reborn, what is it about the dark that makes fear take flight? I stand guard battling the dreams that haunt your sleep, I watch as you wake to another sunrise. Why do you let the fear of joy control your every step? On bended knees I pray for you to face your past for it only has you imprisoned if you hold out your wrists to be shackled. Take up the armor that was fashioned for you, hold up the sword forged just for you, go out and face the world that leaves you shaking, tackle your pride, stand up. Your Creator did not mold you in His image or breathe His life in you for you to run away. He has not left you defenseless to face your future alone, go now for destiny awaits you. Do not let your life pass you by for then it is a life truly wasted, and the Creator of all shall find another to do the task that was set before you and that, my child, is something to fear.

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