Monday, September 14, 2015

Never Forget

Never Forget

September 11, 2015 at 9:44pm
It's been 14 years since the horrifying loss of life on September 11, 2001. What I am about to say may make some mad but that's okay. That day although horrible was also a unifying day for this country. On that day there was no black and white, no Asian, no Indian. We were all American and we all shade in some way the same color... grey. As in the grey of the ash and soot that covered so many in a psychical since but that same color covered the hearts of every American. Days, weeks, and even months after people fled to churches, synagogues, and masques all asking the same question "Why?". It wasn't just Americans who fled to these temples of worship it was world wide. That day help to unite a country and other countries of the world. Police officers and military men and women were heroes, every day people were hero's. We choice to save lives instead of take them. So my question is what happened? Now we kill each other and call it racism, we kill and sell the unborn. We once said cried out against hate and bigotry, but now we play right into both their hands. We say "Never Forget" we say "Let us remember their sacrifice", "Let us honor them". But we only do it one day a year. Is setting aside one day a year to honor the death of the fallen good enough? We set one day aside to love and respect each other? For the past few years the people of this nation have spit on the sacrifice of those that died that day.
I believe that God allowed that day to happen to bring us together, to set aside all that hate and teach us to love and respect each other, even if it meant the lives of thousands to save the hearts of millions and all we've done is turn our back on the lives of those who have passed. On that day love shown brightest. We didn't let the hate of those terrorist break us. But now we break ourselves. Now we hate our own, we kill our own. So no we don't honor the fallen, they weep for us. They cry out from the graves asking us "Why?"

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