Monday, September 14, 2015

Not Going to Stay Quiet

Not Going to Stay Quiet

September 14, 2015 at 8:07pm
Ok, that's it, I'm going to put my belief out there. This whole thing with Planned Parenthood and abortion, I'm sick of the whole thing. As a woman who now has a child, who carried that child for 9 months, who could hear my son's heartbeat when I went to the doctor for the first time at 9 weeks, who saw his little arms and legs moving around in that same visit. That tiny little baby was indeed a living being! Why is it that people don't think a heartbeat means alive anymore? I've done research, I've looked at why woman give reasons for having abortions and let me tell you right now there is NO reason, NO excuse to kill the life on an innocent baby and yes "it" is a baby no matter how many minutes, hours, days, weeks, months pregnant you are there is still a life inside you. If you don't have the money for a baby, keep your legs crossed, if you are too young or not mature enough to have a baby than you are to young and immature to be having sex (and so is he), if you've had a few kids and want to be done go find a contraceptive that won't get you pregnant. If you are in a bad/dangerous relationship or have been taken advantage of... two wrongs don't make a right. This part might really make people mad but I DO NOT care. We have cried out against genocide in 2nd and 3rd world countries for decades and more, the US has gotten involved in ending those genocides and taking out the inhuman dictators who called for them in the first place. Can anyone tell me the difference between them and those that allow, help, aide, and get abortions? There is none! Hitler called for the slaughter of six millions Jews between 1939 and 1945 maybe even longer. 730,322 abortions were reported to Centers for Disease Control for 2011 alone. You may ask, am I really comparing Hitler to someone who gets an abortion? No, the person who allows abortion to be legal is like Hitler, doctors and woman who get the abortions are like the doctors and Nazi who experimented and killed those million plus people during World War 2.
There is NO EXCUSE for any reason to take the life of that baby no matter where you are during a pregnancy. NONE! And again I don't care who this offends. Keep your legs crossed, go buy some condoms, get on birth control! Been assaulted, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart I am, I've been there. But just because a freedom was taken from does not make it right for you to take the freedom to exist from that tiny life. He or she was not the one that hurt you. You say you can't raise the child cause of the memories, there's adoption. You can't afford a baby, there's adoption. You don't want the baby there's adoption. There are thousands of people out there willing and wanting a child that can't have one. Don't be a KILLER cause that is what someone who gets an abortion is, a KILLER, there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. 

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