Sunday, February 28, 2016

Our Children

Alright, about to go on a huge rant right now. Over the past just few weeks, between social media and the fact I get Amber Alerts on phone just for the FL area, there seems A LOT going on with babies, children, and teens, either running away/getting lost, being kidnapped, abused in some way, or being killed. I just have to ask myself, WHY? What is going on in this country, the whole world really, but for now let’s just focus on the good old USA.
If you are a woman who gets pregnant that life growing in you is indeed a life no matter how tiny he or she might be and if you think taking that life is your right, your choice, know this, one day when you pass through heaven’s gates you won’t just be looking in the eyes of the Creator of that life you ended, you will look into the eyes of that baby. Maybe that child will be able to ask you “why?” Do you want to tell either God or that sweet baby that he or she was a mistake, you were too young, too old, didn’t have the money, just didn’t want him/her, even though there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of married couples that want a child and can’t have them….. If you think you can handle that there is no heart in you.
If you are a man or woman who thinks you have the right to abuse a child or take their life no matter their age or gender you have no love for anyone except yourself. If you can look into their eyes that are scared and hurting and continue your actions against them then there is no heart in you.

We are given the life of a child to hold and protect, to teach and train, to LOVE AND PROTECT, yes I said protect twice. Why, well can they protect themselves, not yet no, and if you take advantage of that you have no heart! If you allow a child they will teach you more then you could ever teach them, they could never change your life for the worse. If you want to feel wanted and loved no one can do that better (besides Christ) than a child. When a child holds your hand, wraps their arms around you for a hug, tells you they love you they are doing so without judgement, without malice. And to think people can take advantage of that love, that innocence….

Monday, September 14, 2015

Not Going to Stay Quiet

Not Going to Stay Quiet

September 14, 2015 at 8:07pm
Ok, that's it, I'm going to put my belief out there. This whole thing with Planned Parenthood and abortion, I'm sick of the whole thing. As a woman who now has a child, who carried that child for 9 months, who could hear my son's heartbeat when I went to the doctor for the first time at 9 weeks, who saw his little arms and legs moving around in that same visit. That tiny little baby was indeed a living being! Why is it that people don't think a heartbeat means alive anymore? I've done research, I've looked at why woman give reasons for having abortions and let me tell you right now there is NO reason, NO excuse to kill the life on an innocent baby and yes "it" is a baby no matter how many minutes, hours, days, weeks, months pregnant you are there is still a life inside you. If you don't have the money for a baby, keep your legs crossed, if you are too young or not mature enough to have a baby than you are to young and immature to be having sex (and so is he), if you've had a few kids and want to be done go find a contraceptive that won't get you pregnant. If you are in a bad/dangerous relationship or have been taken advantage of... two wrongs don't make a right. This part might really make people mad but I DO NOT care. We have cried out against genocide in 2nd and 3rd world countries for decades and more, the US has gotten involved in ending those genocides and taking out the inhuman dictators who called for them in the first place. Can anyone tell me the difference between them and those that allow, help, aide, and get abortions? There is none! Hitler called for the slaughter of six millions Jews between 1939 and 1945 maybe even longer. 730,322 abortions were reported to Centers for Disease Control for 2011 alone. You may ask, am I really comparing Hitler to someone who gets an abortion? No, the person who allows abortion to be legal is like Hitler, doctors and woman who get the abortions are like the doctors and Nazi who experimented and killed those million plus people during World War 2.
There is NO EXCUSE for any reason to take the life of that baby no matter where you are during a pregnancy. NONE! And again I don't care who this offends. Keep your legs crossed, go buy some condoms, get on birth control! Been assaulted, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart I am, I've been there. But just because a freedom was taken from does not make it right for you to take the freedom to exist from that tiny life. He or she was not the one that hurt you. You say you can't raise the child cause of the memories, there's adoption. You can't afford a baby, there's adoption. You don't want the baby there's adoption. There are thousands of people out there willing and wanting a child that can't have one. Don't be a KILLER cause that is what someone who gets an abortion is, a KILLER, there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. 

Never Forget

Never Forget

September 11, 2015 at 9:44pm
It's been 14 years since the horrifying loss of life on September 11, 2001. What I am about to say may make some mad but that's okay. That day although horrible was also a unifying day for this country. On that day there was no black and white, no Asian, no Indian. We were all American and we all shade in some way the same color... grey. As in the grey of the ash and soot that covered so many in a psychical since but that same color covered the hearts of every American. Days, weeks, and even months after people fled to churches, synagogues, and masques all asking the same question "Why?". It wasn't just Americans who fled to these temples of worship it was world wide. That day help to unite a country and other countries of the world. Police officers and military men and women were heroes, every day people were hero's. We choice to save lives instead of take them. So my question is what happened? Now we kill each other and call it racism, we kill and sell the unborn. We once said cried out against hate and bigotry, but now we play right into both their hands. We say "Never Forget" we say "Let us remember their sacrifice", "Let us honor them". But we only do it one day a year. Is setting aside one day a year to honor the death of the fallen good enough? We set one day aside to love and respect each other? For the past few years the people of this nation have spit on the sacrifice of those that died that day.
I believe that God allowed that day to happen to bring us together, to set aside all that hate and teach us to love and respect each other, even if it meant the lives of thousands to save the hearts of millions and all we've done is turn our back on the lives of those who have passed. On that day love shown brightest. We didn't let the hate of those terrorist break us. But now we break ourselves. Now we hate our own, we kill our own. So no we don't honor the fallen, they weep for us. They cry out from the graves asking us "Why?"

Sunday, September 15, 2013

So Many Joys

Dear Abba,
So many joys you have brought to my life! How could I ever find the words to thank you for what you have done for me! My best friend you have given me as my help mate for life, oh the wonders there! A man of faith and laughter in one, who could have known? The joy in his eyes as he looks at me brings a smile of unbridled joy to my lips! My heart takes flight when he takes me hand! Lord the fact that you created us to be one since before time began takes my breath away! I am amazed by who you are! Thank you for loving me!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Joined In One Voice

Two weeks ago a young girl in our community was accidentally shot in the head, for a week Hannah fought for her life! People all over the state of Florida came together to pray for her but than the story was picked up nationally and people across the country joined in prayer for one girl and her family! A facebook page was made to pray for her and over 5,000 people untied in one voice to ask God for healing for her self, her family, and those close to her! Last Saturday Hannah walked through Heaven's Gates and into the arms of Christ! Hannah while living touched so many lives, God used her accident to reach thousands, her father told us today that he received letters from five continents saying that they were praying! How Amazing!!
The untimely death of Hannah as taught me so much, unity among the Children of God is possible!! If people around the world can join together in prayer for one girl, how is it that we can not join together in prayer for so many other things? Prayer is so powerful, yes Hannah did pass away but her soul is healed, she is home and no longer in pain.
We as Christians need to be willing to set aside all our simple differences! It's time to be one in Christ so that we may reach out and save a lost and dying world!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Truth Made Known

There's so much that I thought was dead and gone. Issues and hurts that I thought would never come to surface again because they were through but I thought wrong. Sure it's in the past but the lessons that I learned then have brought to light new ones to be learned. God is reveling so much to me these days which is a very good thing because now I can deal with stuff in the light of better days rather then the gloom of those past. Lesson 1 being learned: Not everyone is the same! What am I learning from that? While those that cut me apart in the past, the old friends that I had, they are not my new friends. The people I surround myself with now are people that love me and won't try to cut me up and use me for their own personal gain and interest! Lesson 2: My boyfriend now is none of those guys I've dated before. To them I was nothing more then a toy to be played with until they broke me. They said "I love you" and never really meant it, they cared more about what they could get from me rather then for me. Ben is different, he does love me and I'm more then a thing to him. For the first time in my life there is a Godly man that I can trust with my heart and my dreams! I thank God for him everyday and for those in my life now! Lesson 3: Not all churches are equal, a sad lesson, but one greatly needed to be learned! I am the church, not just a person to fill a seat. I have God given gifts and talents that are needed by others. What part of the church I am, leg, mouth, ear, I have yet to learn but there is a place for me there. I am also just as much a mission field as a mission worker!
As I'm going through my days these truths are being made known to me and I am so grateful for them. I still have a little ways to go before the old and wrong ideas that were so ingrained into my very being due to past hurts are gone but with each passing day the scares are being healed and I owe it all to God and those He's placed in my life.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy In These Days!

These days I wake to a smile on my face, a light shines in my eyes that has never been there before. True there are sometimes darks days but I can make it through them in a way I never could before. How can I put into words the new meaning my life has taken now that you have become more then you once were? There's joy when there use to be sadness and peace when there was loneliness. I feel like I belong, like I'm worth more then the price others put on my head. Now I know that I'm beautiful and that someone loves me for who I am and doesn't make me feel like a toy. I'm no longer something to be played with and tossed aside the minute I show a sign of weakness. My tears, when their seen, aren't something to just be ignored, you brush them away and hold me tight. You speak life into me instead of trying to take it away. To say the words I love you would never fully say how much you mean to me. You mean more to me then you may ever know. Until I can find the words I love you will have to do. I love you with all of my heart and with everything I am. I love you!