Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lost In Thought

So I'm sitting here at work with nothing to do really, all the kids have gone home and I'm waiting for College Group to start at 7:30 (I got done with work at 5:00). So I'm just thinking to myself about so many different things that my minds a blank...wait is that possible? I don't know but that the way it feels. I've spent about 2 days trying to find someone on facebook that I'd only met once and hung with (well danced with) for about 30 minutes, I gave him my name to look up on facebook but he hasn't yet and I'm wondering why I spent so much time looking for him, I know that I wouldn't mind getting to know him a little more cause like I said the other day he seemed pretty cool. I don't know if it's the lack of human contact or if I'm just that bored down here, maybe it's both. Everyday it's the same (or just about the same) get up go to work, go home, do nothing, Mondays I got to Karate then sit with a bunch of little people till my brother gets out of Boy Scouts, Thursdays I go to Karate, my weekends and other nights are filled with nothingness or babysitting. There's nothing else really, every maybe 2 weeks I might go out...might. I don't feel like I have any real friends here beside my family. Most people I know are way younger or married. I need to find a life or at lest my life, it needs a jump start like an eclectic shock to the heart to restart it.

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