Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Are there words?

I'm not sure if I can find the words I need to say how powerful tonight was for me. Hearing Stephanie talk gave me a renewed strength that I thought I had lost a long time ago. She helped to restore courage that faded with each hurt that I've gained in the past few years, courage to look for the words to finish my own story and testimony. I maybe have a better understanding why God brought me to Florida, something I was really questioning a lot of late. Maybe now I can cry the tears I need to and some of those feelings that I've locked up so tight can begin to fade, wounds can heal and I can finally allow myself to feel the forgiveness that I need to feel for myself. 
Thank you, Daddy, for the life of others, thank you for being there in their trials so that they can be a light to others. Help me to live out the plan you've set before me, show me how to use the mistakes and the hurts of my past to serve and honor you and bring hope to those in pain. Thank you for the life of your son that makes me whole and white as snow. ~Amen   

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